“Filming in a kitchen is like working with a ballet or theater company,” the filmmaker told Hyperallergic in an interview for the release of his new film Menus-Plaisirs Les Troisgros.
Frederick Wiseman
Revisiting Chicago’s Ida B. Wells Housing Project
Frederick Wiseman’s Public Housing shows how Clinton-era politics shaped the experiences of low-income Black communities in deindustrialized urban areas.
How a City Government Works, According to Frederick Wiseman
The venerable documentarian’s latest, City Hall, is an epic look at the workings of local civics in Boston, Massachusetts.
A Classic Film Reminds Us That Modeling Is Labor
The perfect movie for New York Fashion Week is 1981’s Model, Frederick Wiseman behind-the-scenes documentary on the industry.
Frederick Wiseman Films the Humanity of a Midwestern Town in 2018
Monrovia, Indiana isn’t quite the scintillating investigation into life in a red state that audiences might expect.
Stream Frederick Wiseman’s Documentaries for Free Via Libraries and Colleges Around the US
This week, almost 50 years’ worth of Wiseman documentaries went live on Kanopy, after a long period of his work being mostly inaccessible.
Monkey Around with a Simian Cinema Series
Anthology Film Archives’ latest series explores fictional, factual, and farcical portrayals of monkeys in movies.
A Museum Where the Paintings Look Back
National Gallery, which premiered last month at the New York Film Festival, is the most recent of Frederick Wiseman’s 40-plus documentaries that feature single institutions.