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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are my payment options?
Transactions are processed by Stripe, which accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and other major credit cards.
Can I send my membership contribution by check?
Yes! Please mail your check to Hyperallergic, Attn: Membership Program, 181 N 11th St., Suite 302, Brooklyn, NY 11211. Please be sure to include your email address to access member benefits and receive member emails.
How do I change or cancel my Membership?
Monthly members can cancel or change their contribution at any time. Yearly memberships are pre-paid, but automatic renewal can be changed or canceled allowing your membership to switch or expire when the current year of membership ends.
Is my membership contribution tax-deductible
Hyperallergic is not a 501(c)3 organization so your support of our journalism does not constitute a charitable donation, and is not eligible for a tax deduction. Our membership program is designed to deepen our relationship with our readers through direct support of our journalism.
Can I get a refund?
Membership contributions are non-refundable, but you are welcome to cancel upcoming payments at any time.