
The Meiss/Mellon Author’s Book Award, a new grant from the College Art Association (CAA), provides funds to emerging authors of monographs on the history of art and related subjects. The purpose of the award is to reduce the financial burden that authors carry when acquiring images for publication, including licensing and reproduction fees for both print and online publications. The fall application deadline is September 15, 2013.

The inaugural recipients of the Meiss/Mellon Author’s Book Award for spring 2013 are:

  • Claudia Brittenham, The Cacaxtla Paintings: How Art Shaped the Identity of an Ancient Central Mexican City, University of Texas Press
  • Chelsea Foxwell, In Search of Images: Kano Hogai and the Making of Modern Japanese-Style Painting, University of Chicago Press
  • Jesse Locker, “The Hands of Aurora”: Artemisia Gentileschi and Her Contemporaries, Yale University Press
  • Megan R. Luke, Kurt Schwitters: Space, Image, Exile, University of Chicago Press
  • Karl Whittington, Body-Worlds: Opicinus de Canistris and the Medieval Cartographic Imagination, Press of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies

Successful applicants are emerging scholars who have a contract with a publisher for a manuscript on art history or visual studies. For full details about the grant, please review the Application Guidelines and the Application Process, Schedule, and Checklist. Fall application deadline: September 15, 2013. This award is made possible by a one-year grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

CAA offers two other grants with fall application deadlines: the Millard Meiss Publication Fund and the Wyeth Foundation for American Art Publication Grant. Visit for information and application forms.

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